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October Monthly Challenge - FINAL WEEK

Deep Dive into The Hoss Lady October Clothes Challenge: THE LAST WEEK!! This Month we are focusing on downsizing our wardrobes in order to make room for the cooler weather clothes!!! Week One we started small with socks and undies... Week Two we got a little more complicated with T-shirts and Jeans - how did you do? Any drama? Last week we worked on the more "dressy" items in the closet - the less worn things. THIS WEEK IS THE HOME STRETCH!! Let's go out with a bang. I purposefully made this more of a "not really clothes" week so you could get caught up. So, don't decide you can't start/finish because you've not been doing the challenge. Remember... each item you pull out, I want you to ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Have I worn this in the past six months? (twelve months for seasonal clothing like heavy sweaters or holiday-themed items)

  2. Does it fit? Like, really fit. When I wear this, I feel confident and comfortable.

  3. Am I holding onto this for sentimental reasons? If so, is having this (insert whatever kind of thing it is) more important than my present state of mind?

Thought work for this week: Answer this question and be 100% honest with yourself. What is more important - keeping items you once loved and used OOORRR making space in your life to LOVE your closet and your clothes that you have and USE NOW?? FINAL WEEK: October 22-31 Day 22 and 23 - if you moved from an office setting to a "work from home" situation - it's probably time to go ahead and let those dressy clothes go... but if you need to keep them or you wear them on the regular... just do the questions above and make some decisions and see if you can make some space in your closet!! Days 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 - these are items that you probably have multiples of and only reach for a couple of your favorites every time. Let's see what kind of things you can let go... donate your gloves hats and coats... people need these things. Days 29, 30, and 31 - don't be scared to say goodbye to those glittery boots that you LOVED wearing on that New Year's Eve party 8 years ago and have literally not touched since. SO... how did you like the challenge? Post about it on social and tag me "Becky B Heiman" or "The Hoss Lady Podcast" on Facebook and "the_hoss_lady" on Instagram. AND I am SOOOOOO super excited to share that next month we are going to work on our KITCHENS!!!! I am offering my VIP's a chance to work through module one of The Total Home Reset Audio Course together... with me.

  • Each week we will meet and listen to the module in pieces together and discuss

  • do a Q&A

  • talk about obstacles and celebrate wins

  • and get some of the best tips and tricks you will need to make your kitchen Holiday Ready!!

Want to become a VIP? All you have to do to become a VIP is order the Total Home Reset Audio Course. (and yes, you can use a promo code if you have one). Order the Total Home Reset Audio Course before October 31st and you're IN!! Learn More about Total Home Reset Visit The Hoss Lady Website

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